Design Ideas: Quick and Easy Shower Maintenance
Mar 09, 2016 By  Fenesta

No matter how much money or creativity you put in when it comes to installing a great shower in your bathroom, one of the things that can ruin it all is non-maintenance. Your shower might look sparkly and clean for the first few days but considering the usage, it will end up looking grubby and unappealing very quickly if not looked after regularly. Modern interior design facilitates an extensive range of styles and functionalities for the bathing area in a bathroom. The cleaning part however, pretty much stays standard across the board. Here are a few tips on what you can do:
- The easiest and quickest method of shower maintenance is to clean everyday. All the scum from soap, body oil and general dirt builds up in layers so the sooner you attack it the better. Once you`ve had a bath, use a rubber wiper to drain off the extra water and grime from the walls and then scoop it towards the drain with the help of a wiper. The idea is to get the shower area as dry as possible.
- Shower styling is an important part of home decorating ideas nowadays. Choosing a stylish shower is the easier part. To keep it looking like new, work has to be done. One option is to use warmed up white vinegar. Soak the shower head in the vinegar but make sure that it isn`t too hot. Leave in for 20 minutes. Brush off grime with an old toothbrush.
- Tile grout is the bane of a clean shower because that`s just where the main scum and the mildew build up. Minimum grouting or going completely grout-less is a great way of getting a shower that is quick and easy to maintain. Modern interior design bathrooms offer a number of options to go without grouting. A solid wall or big tiles are one way to go.
- Choose a linear drain in the shower. A narrow channel at the base of the wall will mean that the shower will have a flat slope in one direction. Another option if you want to eliminate grouting.
A clean shower is hygienic, inviting and keeps your home decorating ideas right where you want them to be. Use the tips above to maintain a shower and say goodbye to dirt and grime forever.